In the first stage of  #RulesOfVandalism project, together with the artists MOSES & TAPS™, we asked you what are the rules and the definitions of vandalism. Two weeks and thousand of comments later, we came back – as promised – with the second stage – short film made by Good Guy Boris.

The idea behind the film is the to show the respond of the artists – MOSES & TAPS™ – to the statements given to the questions in the social discussion.

“ The main character hears disturbing voices in his head. Voices who command him how to paint graffiti. At the very end of the preparation and right before the execution of his piece, the character decides to ignore the voices and to set himself free. Nobody can put rules in something that is made to be chaos.” tells Boris.

This film is the occasion to link the social discussion with the last stage of the project – The Exhibition “Splash – Rules Of Vandalism” by MOSES & TAPS™ in Paris.

Read our exclusive interview with MOSES & TAPS™ here and see the photo recap of the exhibition.

About The Author

Boris is a Parisian based director, visual artist & curator. He is mostly known for founding the internet graffiti phenomenon The Grifters Journal and later with his alter ego Good Guy Boris, which shot him to popularity thanks to the success of a series of web video travelogues entitled Grifters Code. Instagram @goodguyboris